I want to write. Like I said, I have things to write about, just when I go to put it all down somewhere I find myself stopping short of saying the things that I really want to say. Like writing about being pissed off about not getting responses from people - I put things out into cyber space and I typically think it's the polite, even responsible thing to do to send a frickin email back - even if all it says is "I just don't want to." Something is better than nothing right? (And I guess with the nothing, the inference can be made that the answer is "I just don't want to" but I feel things like that should be said not just left out there - but I'm an over communicator).
So, since I'm finding myself not able to write - I'm stealing this idea off of another blog so that I can at least get some things down in writing...
I Can't - -
- stand getting my oil changed. There's just something about pulling into that garage and talking with the mechanics that just makes me feel weird and uneasy. I do it because I have to, not because I want to.
- live without my blackberry, coffee, and spell check.
- stand being late - and 5 min. early is late to me. It puts me into a panic. HATE IT.
- wear shorts while running.
- take a compliment
I Can - -
- Camp without an air mattress
- drink water from the tap - in fact I prefer it
- whistle by sucking in instead of blowing out - in fact, it's the only way I can do it.
- do a headstand (finally!)
- be strong and independent and still need my parents
- play the right hand part of any piano music you put in front of me - it's that damn left hand that I can't get down.
- cook - which may surprise some of you since I always claim that I'm not very domestic.
I Won't - -
- ever apologize for my politics
- stop dancing in the living room, singing loudly, or being silly just because I'm growing up
- give less than 100% of myself to people - be it my family, friends, or a person I meet on the street.
- stop running until my body physically cannot do it anymore - and I hope that's a long time from now.
- Think it's ever ok pretend someone is invisible.
I Will - -
- Bend over backwards to help a friend.
- Always give advice, even if it's not wanted.
- Be loud and sometimes funny.
- swear like a trucker even though I know it's not very lady like.
- Always find time to read to my niece and nephew - and find time for them in general
I Shouldn't - -
- Care so much about what other people think.
- Apologize for my feelings. It is what it is...
- Be so hard on myself
- waste so much time and energy on things that I can't control. Whatever will be, will be
I Should - -
- Say no more often
- Do more yoga
- Be proud of myself
- Spend more time writing, taking pictures, and creating in general
- wash my car more often