Thursday, December 4, 2008


So, I'm kind of a blog stalker. I love reading blogs, in fact, it's my morning routine to check all kinds of blogs, mostly of people I don't know.

A few of my friends write blogs and I so enjoy catching up what's going on in their lives, but I've branched out to blogs they read, written by people they know and I don't, and from there I continue. It's interesting to read about what kind of daily lives other people lead.

I've found lots of runner blogs and blogs about yoga, and blogs just about every day life and I love reading what these people have to say. They all seem to lead more interesting lives than I do - or at least have more to write about than I do lately.

Maybe it's a little weird that I take the time to see what people who I don't know are saying, but I think it's fun to read something different or come across a really fantastic writer. Amen for the internets (ha ha).


Jake said...

Nice use of internets. I took the Freshman to a Packer game with me a week ago. Yep, he's still nuts.

Dina said...

I'm a total blog stalker too - so glad I'm not the only one out there! :)

And in case you're wondering, I found yours through Chris & Ann...

Jennifer said...

I knew you would appreciate the use of internets Jacob. We should compare games. I bet I win!

Dina - I've actually seen you comment on Ann's blog before, I need as many readers as I can get, so stalk on! :)