Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So I Write

I'm endulging in an online creativity cirlce with Kimberly Wilson, who is the Author of Hip Tranquil Chick a "guide book" if you will on using yoga on and off of the mat.

We are reading three books, one of which is Kimberly's along with The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron and The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women by Gail McMeekin. I'm diving into it, starting with The Artist's Way. We are to write "morning pages" that are basically a brain dump for 3 pages in the morning. As I have already concluded through blogging, it's hard to write when you don't really have anything to say. However, it's getting easier and it is why I may, from time to time, just write to write on this blog - without a purpose, without an update, but with random musings (which you know, is not so different than what I normally do).

Through blogging and journaling I have found that I really enjoying writing and somedays, I'm not even half bad at it, and I would like to do more of it.

I need to take myself on an "artist's date" every week as well. This week I think I may hole up in a coffee shop or a book store and do some more writing and see where it takes me.


Brenda P. said...

..next thing you know, berets and cigarettes. Still, I've found, the more you write the more you have to say. And you start to think in terms of writing "projects"--stuff you want to express that starts out as just a single idea. A blog post is perfect, not too long or formal, but you know a few people might read it and respond, so you have some responsibility to them.

Jennifer said...

This morning, the three pages were rough, but I found once I said something like "yes, I just used two reallys because I have nothing to say" I usually thought of something else to move on to! I have been enjoying my blog for some time now, but the more I get into this class, the more and more I'm loving it - and I think a beret would fit me, but can I have a dirty gin martini in lieu of the cigarettes?! :)